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For Entrepreneurs & Business Owners Looking To Drink Less, Lose Weight, And Enjoy Life More...

A New, Simple, And Lasting Approach To Free Yourself From A Drinking Habit, Feel In Control Of Alcohol, And Refocus Your Energy On The Things That Matter Most - In Just 20 Minutes A Day

While Also Handling Stress And Pressure, Hitting Health Goals, And Still Being Able To Socialize And Have Fun
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What Is Take Control?

Take Control is a moderation-based approach to alcohol that allows you to feel in control of your drinking habits, without having to live a heavily restricted lifestyle, or yo-yo between periods of abstinence and periods of chaos.

When you use our methods to Take Control of your behavior and habits, you can have a drink IF and WHEN you want to, then ignore alcohol the rest of the time.

We achieve this by using a combination of the latest positive psychology, behavioral therapy, mindfulness, meditation, and journaling… But without forcing you to attend in-person meetings, follow any religious teachings, limit your social life, or worry about ‘triggers’ that can derail your progress.

And as a result...this frees you up to drastically cut back and only drink on occasions when you want to… 

Or quit completely if that’s what YOU decide is best - this is Take Control.

Either way, if you feel like alcohol sometimes has too much influence over your life, then you’re in the right place.

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Take Control Is A Shortcut

Before I figured out the knowledge and methods I share in Take Control - I was drinking too much for years, but didn’t realize it was hurting me because I wasn’t what most people would call a ‘problem drinker’.

I worked as an oil broker in ‘The City’, London’s financial district, and made a lot of money. 

To the world around me, I was a success. 

But I was also working long hours and dealing with massive stress and pressure every day… Then partying a lot after hours.

Drinking alcohol regularly and in large amounts was ‘normal’, and a part of the business culture. 

We used alcohol for team-building, client entertainment, celebrating wins, and commiserating losses too…

But I never realized what was happening to me - my stress and anxiety levels were through the roof, I was always tired, and cranky at home too. 

Which led me to questioning everything and eventually deciding to change my whole life, put alcohol in its place, and free myself from the chains of other people’s expectations.

After 2 years of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way - I finally reached a point where I got my relationship with alcohol totally under control.

And I know there are other people just like me… So now, you have the opportunity to get the entire framework I built to control my drinking, by getting access to a $3.00 video course named Take Control

Here's how it works:


5 Bonuses Included Today

Take Control Course

4 Weeks of super-short bite-size lessons in mindfulness and habit-formation to help you put alcohol in its place.

Take Control WorkBook

Digital PDF Download
Guided exercises for written exploration of your relationship with alcohol, together with goal-setting assignments to help create new healthier habits.

Control Audit

Digital PDF Download
Use this worksheet to make an honest accounting of how much you’re REALLY drinking - the truth may surprise you.

Vision of Control

Guided meditation audio track to create a mental image of control over alcohol, and the steps you’ll take to get there.

Controlled Reflection 

Mobile Web App
A daily 2-minute journal to write down quick thoughts, and ‘let go’ by unloading whatever is on your mind.

Control Tracker

Digital PDF Download
PDF printable calendar to record alcohol-free streaks where you can see them - on your bathroom mirror or fridge


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Our Founders & Products Have Been Featured By:

Here's How I Went From High Stress, Late Nights, Weekday Hangovers, And Strain On My Marriage… 

To Starting A New Business, Transforming My Lifestyle, And Building A Calm, Loving And Supportive Relationship With My Spouse.

And I Did It By Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The ‘Abstinence Or Alcoholism’ Model Upside Down.

This Is Something Completely New, Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover How To Take Control.
From: The laptop of Ruari Fairbairns

Re: Taking control of your relationship with alcohol (and why this is your best way out)
Dear Soon-To-Be In-Control Drinker,
If you’re reading this letter, you’ve very likely tried to ‘stop drinking’ at least once before… And I’d be willing to bet it didn’t go to plan.

So would it surprise you to learn that after a few false starts, I completely stopped drinking for 2 years, then decided it would be ok to have a drink a few times a year?

And that I’ve stayed in control of alcohol ever since by using the information revealed in this video course?

And that I’ve already used this same information to directly help thousands of others do the same?


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-)

So Let Me Prove It To You

But first, read this disclaimer:
I have the benefit of 9 years experience and study in the science of habit formation and behavior change.

Sadly, the average person who buys any “how to” information takes no action… And sees no results.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, commitment to change, and especially work ethic.

Purchasing the Take Control course is not enough. 

There’s also the need for consistent effort and action. 

If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS video course.

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you…

And I Did It By Using A Simple & Straightforward Program That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same Take Control program that business owners, entrepreneurs, and top-performing professionals all over the world are now using to Take Control of their drinking habits…

...And drastically reduce their alcohol use faster than ever before...

...All while eliminating cravings and the feeling of ‘needing a drink’, so they can now focus on WHAT THEY ACTUALLY WANT...

...And best of all, they’re losing weight, rediscovering their motivation, and healing their relationships too.

Just Like Steve, Who Took Control Of His Drinking And Lost 21 Pounds In 60 Days… Then Went On To Lose 56 Pounds Total

“ the best prescription you could get from a doctor”
In his own words:
“I’ve been alcohol-free for over two years now…

I’m fitter, more energized, more motivated. 

I sleep better, I’ve saved a load of money, and I have better relationships at home.

Life and work can still be challenging, but without alcohol I have more clarity, energy and freedom to deal with the ups and downs. 
It feels fantastic.”

And even though losing weight, getting fit, and feeling more energetic has been great for Steve, that's not the best part of his story.

The best part is, deciding to Take Control of alcohol probably saved Steve’s life:
“About 60 days into my alcohol-free journey and 21 pounds lighter, I caught COVID-19.

Over the next 3 weeks I became seriously ill with pneumonia and ended up in hospital on oxygen, believing I was going to die.

I believe being alcohol-free and losing that initial weight helped me recover.”
And Steve isn’t the only one either…

This Is Rebecca, Who Took Control Of Her Drinking… Then Fulfilled Her Life Goal To Become A Published Author

“Choosing to stop drinking was the best decision I could have made to get myself through the pandemic and help others as a clinician”
As a mental health clinician with a successful private practice, Rebecca was a expert in helping patients tackle excessive drinking - but she needed some outside help to change her own habits:
“I’d been sliding down a slippery slope for 20 years. 

I was no longer able to have just one drink. 

One became two, two became four, and then the rest of the evening was a blur. 

And this was every day—too often for too long. 

But I was terrified and didn’t know how to stop. 

I was stuck in a secret shame spiral.”
Rebecca didn’t feel like she could find the help she wanted in her local community:
“I was too embarrassed at the thought of walking into an AA meeting in a church basement.

I’m supposed to know better than this!

I’m also married to a doctor, and we’re well known in our small community.

Many professionals who drink too much are paralysed with fear and shame, which increases the embarrassment and isolation.”
But when Rebecca found a way to Take Control of her drinking online, she finally felt understood:
"I was scrolling through Facebook when something caught my attention.

I spent over an hour reading, crying, and being completely moved by what people—people just like me—were saying.

So I dove right in, and the daily videos were so helpful and inspiring.
I loved the Facebook group, and I also connected with many, many people in the community as well. 

I knew that I was in the right place.”
And after she took control of her drinking, Rebecca is much happier:
“My life has improved in countless ways since I stopped drinking—from better sleep and less anxiety to weight loss and increased running endurance.

But most importantly, I actually wrote a book!

We all have a story, and I finally found the time and the reason to write mine.”
And here's someone else who used these strategies to Take Control…

Meet Tyler, Who Replaced Gin With Herbal Tea… Dropped Down Two Pant Sizes… And Is Now Happier And Healthier Than Ever

Working in a sales-driven business involves a lot of networking and socializing, so Tyler found he could always justify drinking more than he really wanted to:
“As a real estate broker there is always a reason to drink. 

You win a negotiation, you drink. 

You lose a negotiation, you drink.

You close a home, you drink. 

Whether it was a good day or a bad day, I could always find a reason to drink.”

Tyler tried ‘Sober October’ in 2019 and enjoyed the experience of being alcohol-free, but slipped back into daily drinking habits before Christmas.

By March 2020, with worries piling up about the how the pandemic was affecting his business, Tyler was drinking daily:
"I was never a black out binge drinker, but I did find myself drinking 2-3 drinks a night and on weekends even more. 

And during quarantine it got even worse."
But Tyler decided enough was enough, and he needed to Take Control:
“I was in a really bad place.

I was nervous about pandemic and my business and found myself gravitating to the drink more and more each day. 

That’s when I saw an ad on Facebook. 

A week later I signed up and haven’t looked back."
And Tyler discovered his drinking was more the result of habit than any real enjoyment of alcohol:
“I was surprised by the number of times I felt the need to drink.

I’ve come to find that drinking is more about a ritual of perceived relaxation rather than anything else.

I replaced my routine of making a G&T with making a tasty cup of herbal tea, and I still got the relaxing ritual without the hangover.”
Now he’s taken control of his drinking habits, Tyler finds he’s performing better in business, improved his health, and enjoying life more:
“I have a clear mind which means I can be more decisive – I am also able to focus on the most important tasks.

I’m waking up easily and early (5am) with no hangover.

My business is better than ever before, and I’ve saved hundreds of dollars that would’ve gone to alcohol.

I’m emotionally more stable as I’ve learned to observe my emotions rather than let them rule me.

My body is healthier and fitter - I’m down two pant sizes and my skin looks 10 years younger!”
When asked about the reasons why he found the lessons from Take Control so helpful, Tyler had this to say:
“In the moments when you’re struggling it helps to know there are thousands of others out there just like you striving to live an impactful alcohol-free life who are cheering you on.”



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Steve, Rebecca, And Tyler Are Just 3 Of Thousands Of People Worldwide Who Now Take A Different Approach To Control Drinking

And you can BET...

This Take Control program is unlike any method you heard of before.

This is something completely different, because we don’t focus on:
  • Judgment of alcohol (and drinkers) as ‘wrong’, or ‘sinful’.
  • ​Lifelong abstinence as the ‘only reliable method’.
  • ​What’s considered ‘normal’ or ‘socially acceptable’.
  • ​Thinking about the past and ruminating on old traumas.
  • ​Shutting ourselves off from social life, and avoiding weddings, funerals, birthday parties, networking events and family gatherings.
In fact, we’ve no interest in judging people or ideas - we only care about what works, so we rarely if ever describe something as ‘good’ or ‘bad’.​..

We Only Care About Results… So We Take A Science-Based Approach, Focused On Behavior Change And Habit Formation

Because once you truly Take Control of your behavior and habits you can have a drink IF and WHEN you want to, then ignore alcohol the rest of the time.

Or just ignore it completely forever if that’s what you want.

Like I said…
This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…
…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The Take Control Method Allowed Me To Get Rid Of 99% Of All The BS I Disagreed With In Our Culture’s Ideas About Alcohol And Drinking​

  • I let go of feeling I ‘must’ drink with clients or at networking events
  • ​I no longer felt I needed a glass of wine with dinner to enjoy the meal
  • ​I gave up believing I needed to drink to loosen up and enjoy a party
  • I didn’t want to drink alcohol to celebrate my wins
  • ​I stopped craving drink to relax and unwind from stressful days

Take Control Freed Me From All That And It Allowed Me To Learn How To Socialize, Network, Have Fun, And Relax Without Drinking

Here’s what my life used to look like (and if you’ve ever felt you drink more than you’re comfortable with, then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the ‘Casual Drinking Merry-Go-Round’:
  • Sunday night after a heavy weekend, you tell yourself ‘enough is enough’. Have one last glass of wine to get to sleep.
  • Monday morning, feeling anxious. Have a lunchtime drink to take the edge off.
  • Tuesday your head’s clearing up again… You focus hard, don’t drink, get some wins and feel good about yourself.
  • Wednesday, you’ve made it to midweek feeling pretty good. Tell yourself it’s ok to have wine with dinner.
  • Thursday, the week’s almost done… you attend a networking event after hours and have a couple of drinks to loosen up
  • Friday evening it’s time to celebrate if you’re winning… Or drown your sorrows if it’s been a down week. “Just one” you tell yourself.
  • Saturday you get home at 2am… Spend the rest of the weekend hungover and cranky.
  • Sunday, start over…
The ‘Casual Drinking Merry-Go-Round’ not only sucked, but kept me stuck for years - forcing me to suffer horrible hangovers, arguments with my wife, binge-drinking weekends followed by all-week anxiety… All while working my ass off in the high-pressure environment of the financial industry.

To be honest, I didn’t think I needed to get control over alcohol.

I thought I was ‘fine’ and ‘normal’, until my wife gave me the short sharp shock I needed.

But once I woke up to the reality that I needed to Take Control of my drinking, I put my creativity to work, and came up with an idea.

Something that - if it worked.

It would change everything.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

It worked.

And I turned it into a system.

And I Put This Entire System In A 4-Week Video Course Named “Take Control” That You Can Start Watching In Just A Few Moments From Now



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But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name is Ruari Fairbairns.

If that name looks strange to you, that’s because I’m Scottish 

(it’s pronounced ‘ROO-REE FER-BERNS’).

If you live in the UK you may know of me from the times I’ve spoken about alcohol on BBC radio and television…

But if you’re in the USA you probably haven’t heard of me before.

My life’s pretty good… I’m happily married to a wonderful wife who is also my business partner, and we have 2 wonderful healthy happy kids.
Here are some images of the fulfilled, whole, and balanced life I live now:
As of writing this, I’m currently living on the beautiful Spanish island of Mallorca.

As We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realize I’m One Of Luckiest People On Earth - So Let’s Talk About Where I Was In 2013…

I was 33 and living in London.

I had a successful oil brokerage business, was making plenty of money and moving up in the world…

From the outside, I seemed like one of life’s ‘winners’, but inside I was struggling.

I was working like crazy all the time, hardly sleeping, over-eating, and out binge-drinking in the evenings after work…

I saw it as part of my job to entertain clients, so I would be out two or three times a week for boozy work lunches or dinners, coming home at 2am, 3am or whatever time. 

I was always the last man standing.

Something in me made me feel like I had to be the entertainer, the life and soul of the party who burned the candle at both ends.

And what little time I spent at home was tense and troubled.

My wife Jen had stopped drinking and focused on parenthood when we decided to have kids, but I didn’t.

I kept up with the macho work-hard, play-hard finance lifestyle as if I was still single, and it put a lot of strain on our marriage.

Everything Came To A Head One Boozy Friday…

After finishing work early to go out for lunch with colleagues and clients… I ended up totally drunk on the train home at 6pm.

The train was flying along at over 100mph and I got a crazy idea to stick my head out a window and record it on my phone for social media. 

So that’s what I did.
A few months later, I read a news story about another man who was doing the same thing, and was instantly killed by another train coming in the opposite direction.

To this day, I count my blessings that I didn't die that day, although it wasn’t the first time I had done something life-threateningly dangerous while drinking…

At the time though, I thought nothing of it… It was just a ‘perfectly normal’ prank the guys at work would get a laugh from.

My Wife Jen Didn’t See The Funny Side Though

She was horrified at my crazy behavior and bad judgment, and scared of what might happen to me, but she kept hoping I would change.

The last straw was when I came in at 5am one weekday morning, and went straight to bed to get up in a couple of hours for work again.

Jen decided she’d had enough. 

She packed her bags and flew to Sweden with our baby daughter, where they stayed with family.

That was my wake-up call - I needed to do something.

The Craziest Thing Is, I Didn’t Understand Alcohol Was The Problem - Because I Didn’t Fit The Definition Of A Problem Drinker

My late nights and crazy antics were considered ‘normal’ in the industry I worked in.

The idea that alcohol could be the problem was something I didn’t want to admit to myself… It was so much a part of my life and my identity at the time.

But I knew something needed to change, so I signed up for an anger management course to try to understand why Jen and I weren’t getting along… 

And during the course, they talked about how alcohol works on the body and its depressant effect on the brain…

It was only then I realized alcohol was driving a lot of my negative moods and behaviors.

But that realization didn’t make me happy…

When I Decided To Take A Break From Drinking, I Thought I Was Going To Lose My Business

Entertaining was a key part of my identity. I had created a personal brand around being Scottish and knowing my whiskies.

It seemed like the more I took people out drinking, the more successful I became.

So I naturally thought people would not want to spend time with me when I went Alcohol-Free for the first time…

But instead of losing clients, I doubled my business within a few short months.

I became faster, sharper and better at what I did… 

Because when your mind is fresh and clear at the beginning of every day, you have a MASSIVE performance advantage over everyone who’s dehydrated or has a headache from drinking the night before.

And I figured out new and healthier ways to network and get business too. 

Instead of late night parties, I’d invite clients to experiences like weekend breaks and short cycling trips that were healthier on both the physical and mental side.

I realized you don’t need alcohol to be successful and have a good time… 

I changed my behaviors and my lifestyle…

And it saved my marriage. 

Jen and the baby came home and we started to build a new and happier relationship based on trust, respect, and communication.

But it could have all gone another way…

I Came Very Close To Losing My Family - And My Life

Many times, I put myself in life-threatening, career-threatening or family-threatening situations after drinking too much alcohol.

It wasn’t until I challenged myself to stop drinking I realized just how destructive alcohol is to me. 

The experience completely changed my life, and looking back I should have tried it years earlier but didn’t…

Because there’s a stupid myth out there - that total abstinence, a restricted lifestyle, and avoiding ‘triggers’ is the only way to deal with excessive drinking or any alcohol-related problems.

Well that’s just not true - and if you want to get control of drinking while still living a ‘normal’ life, then locking yourself away is almost never the answer...

I know, because when I realized alcohol was part of the problem, I did what everyone else out there does in this situation.

I started looking for a way out.

I started looking around for ‘solutions’, but I couldn’t find anything that made sense for my lifestyle.

  • I didn’t want to go to AA Meetings… Because I wasn’t an alcoholic, and I’d never hit ‘rock bottom’.
  • I just wanted to drink less.
  • I wasn’t interested in doing a 12-step program… Because I’m not religious.
  • I just wanted to be in control.
  • Rehab didn’t make sense… Because I didn’t have time.
  • I had a business to run, a month off wasn’t an option.
  • The doctor couldn’t help me… Because I wasn’t ‘sick’.
  • My problem was behavioral, not medical.
I was just searching for a way to find some support to help me reduce how much I was drinking.

But I didn’t find anything that suited me… So I decided to create something.

Something that could help people see the POSITIVE BENEFITS of taking a break from alcohol…

Instead of focusing on the negatives, seeing the world through the lens of addiction and abstinence…

I looked for the middle path.

I had goals, dreams and aspirations…

I wanted more out of life… 

And I wasn’t going to label myself as ‘sick’ or ‘unwell’.

I didn’t want to turn my whole life upside down or retreat from the world.

I just wanted to change habits that were stopping me from showing up every day with the best version of me…

But I also didn’t want to be judged by people around me for ‘not drinking’

Alcohol is so ingrained into our society – we have a drink to celebrate, to cheer ourselves up, to help us relax – that you are almost seen as weird if you say you aren’t drinking.

So I came up with this idea of taking an ‘Alcohol-Free Break’ for a limited amount of time…
  • To prove to yourself you could ‘Take Control’ of alcohol…
  • ​To give yourself a fun positive challenge that felt like an achievement to complete…
  • ​And to stay far away from judgemental ideas about ‘abstinence’.
This was a cool concept to me, and as I researched more I found there was good scientific backing for it too…

Positive-Psychology Based Moderation Is A Simple Way To Take Control Of Drinking AND Still Be Able To Socialize… In Business And In Your Personal Life Too

Just think about it:
  • Do you expect people you know to stop drinking (or take a break), just because you are? Obviously NO
  • Do some people still have fun and socialize alcohol-free? YES
  • Do you need to stop networking and doing biz dev just because you take a break drinking? Obviously NO
  • Are there good alcohol-free alternatives to beer and cocktails? YES
  • Would life be worse without hangover headaches and dehydration? Obviously NO
  • Could you still enjoy a ‘normal’ life, alcohol-free? YES
Thinking about not drinking as just ‘taking a break’ was the perfect thing for me...
And the best part that attracted me to doing it this way?

You Don’t Even Have To Tell Anyone You’re Taking A Break From Alcohol.

Most people usually don’t even notice unless you bring it up… And if anyone asks, you can easily tell them you need to drive later, have an early start, are training for a sports event… Or some other innocent statement that closes the subject..

All you have to do is get comfortable with the idea that YOU don’t need a drink in your hand to relax or feel good.

Whether you’re out socializing at an event, enjoying a restaurant meal, or winding down at home, what matters is you know what you’re doing and you feel in control.



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And That Was The Birth Of The ‘Take Control’ Method

I drank no alcohol for a whole year.

Then when I hit the 12 month mark, I decided to have a drink to celebrate… And it was a disaster.

I ended up ‘bouncing off the walls’, and feeling very sick for about 24 hours.

Clearly something wasn’t right.

That’s when I decided to go alcohol-free for a second year, but this time focusing on all the positive benefits of taking a break -
  • losing weight (I cut my body fat from 28% to 11% in 1 year)
  • ​sleeping better (Alcohol wrecks your sleep - a quick review of the data from your Apple Watch, Fitbit, or Oura ring will tell you that)
  • ​waking up earlier (when you go alcohol-free, this just happens naturally without any effort
  • ​and having more energy (you’ll soon start feeling the way you used to feel way back before you had your first ever taste of alcohol)
And in this second year, I was always thinking of these changes as the reward and benefit I was winning for myself… 

Instead of seeing alcohol as the prize to be won for proving to myself I could quit (How crazy is that? 🤣)

I soon started to realize many other people were ‘sober-curious’ and wanted to take a break from alcohol too…

And I knew how to teach what I knew, and persuade and motivate others to try going alcohol-free for a month.

I loved helping others, and soon began to feel like it was time to leave the financial industry and make this my life’s work…

But I had no idea how to turn this into a program, or publish it online.
And even though I had a great idea, and lots of interested people wanted my help…

I still had to figure out how to make a business out of helping people Take Control, so I could quit my day job and go all in on this as my life’s work.

Looking back, those first couple of years were brutal.

Trying all kinds of different methods to build a business AND build a teaching organization at the same time.

Being totally inspired and motivated by the amazing life-changing stories of the people we helped… And incredibly frustrated at the challenge of spreading our message further and wider.

That was my life and some days I was ready to quit, and go back to a ‘normal’ business. 

But thankfully, I didn't...

That Was 7 Years Ago, And Fast Forward To Today And It Almost Seems Like A Bad Dream

I proved the idea of “following the traditional life path” to be all wrong.

I left a successful career in finance, and for the last 7 years, I’ve put all my energy into spreading the message about the positive benefits of alcohol-free breaks… 

And I’ve put my heart, soul, and all of my life savings into building an organization to help teach other people the mindfulness, meditation, behavior change, and habit-formation methods that let me Take Control of my drinking.
Saying “No thanks” can be easy
I have my personal happiness and peace of mind that I’m doing the work I was put on earth to do.

I have the support of a great team who share the same goals and vision… And a plan to take this message of how to live and enjoy a life of alcohol-free positivity to the whole world.

Unlike this idea of ‘giving up’ alcohol, or ‘abstaining’, which already puts people in the frame of mind that they’re losing something, or missing out on a benefit…
  • They ‘can’t go’ to weddings because people will be drinking and it’s ‘too tempting’
  • They ‘shouldn’t’ meet friends at a bar on Friday night, or go to a late party
  • ​They ‘need’ to go straight home after work and avoid social evenings because it’ll be too awkward without a drink.
  • They ‘must’ cut out friends who drink from their life.
Our perspective is that life is so much better, more enjoyable, fulfilling, and fun when you Take Control of your drinking, and put alcohol in its proper place - which is something to be enjoyed very occasionally, or not at all if you prefer…

So you can get on with focusing your limited time and valuable energy on the things that really matter and bring you joy.

And yet, you see people talking about their dismal ‘dry january’ or ‘sober october’ on social media… Then getting right back on the booze on the 1st of next month.

I did this for the first year when I tried alcohol-free… Thinking about it like an endurance challenge, with a delicious glass of whiskey at the finish line.

Been there, done that doesn’t work.

Alcohol stops being a problem when you get to the place where you don’t see it as a reward or a prize anymore…

And nowadays, I have Complete Control. 

99% of the time I’m alcohol-free, but a few times a year I decide to have a glass of wine or a beer… 

Enjoy it… Then stop and put it away again. 

And it’s never a problem, because I know I’m in control.



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Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is Between Take Control And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?

I’m not telling people they have to cancel their social life…

Or that they have to ‘abstain’ or be ‘teetotal’, or ‘cut out bad influences’ from their life.

We don’t expect you to cut off the people you care about, or lock yourself away from the world.

When you decide to Take Control, and follow the guidance in the course, the change you experience comes from INSIDE you…
  • Knowing you feel better without a drink, and remembering how it makes you feel AFTERWARDS - so you don’t actually want a drink anymore
  • ​Focusing on your own internal journey rather than externally focusing on other people’s behaviors and judgements
  • ​Having the confidence to go anywhere and handle social situations without alcohol
  • ​Feeling strong and assertive enough to politely but firmly say ‘No thanks’ when someone offers you alcohol.
  • ​Developing new positive habits and interests to put your time and energy into that don’t involve alcohol.
So you get off the ‘Social Drinking Merry-Go-Round’... And get moving in a straight line toward achieving bigger life goals:

And The Result Of Using This New Way?

Which Naturally Leads To…

Without the influence of alcohol dulling my mind, sapping my energy levels, and affecting my moods, I’ve become so much more productive and ambitious than ever before in my life.

And together with the alcohol-free clarity of mind comes MASSIVE self-belief…

Choosing not to drink 98% has not only helped my physical and mental health, but it’s opened me up to dream big and pursue life goals that sometimes scare the hell out of me. 

And the best part is that taking a break from drinking has a huge positive effect on personal relationships… Without alcohol there to mask problems, it becomes much easier to have open, honest conversations with your partner, and the friends and family closest to you.
Taking Control Of My Drinking Saved Our Marriage
The really cool thing is that…

If you follow every single step that I teach, you end up with a healthier, happier, richer life you enjoy more than you ever did when drinking.

But it’s much more than that..

It’s Actually Opening Yourself Up To Dream Again, And Go After Big Life Goals

How many different times have you tried to drink less over the years?
  • Committing to ‘dry months’ but struggling to complete them…
  • Reading books about psychology and habit change, but not taking the necessary action…
  • ‘Stopped drinking’ for a month, then returned to drinking even more than before…
  • Set ‘drinking rules’ for yourself, but can’t stick to them and end up feeling ashamed about that…
  • ​Locked yourself away and avoided all socializing for weeks, then went out because of loneliness, family obligation, or business… And ended up drinking again.
My Take Control students have been successfully taking Alcohol-Free breaks - from 28 days to 2 years or more - and still going strong for over 7 years straight now.

Some of them stop drinking forever…

Some take a couple of ‘AF breaks’ a year just to make sure they still have control...

And some of them find a ‘happy balance’ where 99% of the time they’re alcohol-free, but they go out for a beer with friends once a month, or only enjoy a glass of wine when they go to a restaurant for dinner.

Now, you may be skeptical...

Moderation is a controversial idea in the Alcohol-Free community.

Whenever I publicly say that it’s ok to have the occasional beer or wine AFTER you achieve control over drinking…

At least a few people get their pitchforks out.

So I am opening myself up to criticism by saying this.

And some well-known ‘Abstinence Gurus’ are making loads of money by teaching the opposite of what I teach and promoting a black-and-white, ‘All Or Nothing’ approach to taking control of alcohol.

Except that doesn't work - and here’s why.

Ready for it?



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The #1 Mistake People Make Is Thinking They’ve ‘Lost’ Something When They Decide To Take A Break From Drinking

Here’s why:

There are two types of ‘sober-curious’ people out there.

There are the ‘glass half empties’ and there are ‘glass half fulls’.

For my first Alcohol-Free year - I was a ‘glass half empty’.

‘Glass half empties’ keep looking backwards, and thinking about all the things they miss about drinking - wild times, late parties, delicious flavors, lively conversations… 

While at the same time, not noticing the massive positive changes they’re seeing in their health, business performance, and relationships too…

And by focusing on what they miss - they spend a ton of time on..
  • Over-focusing on drinking as their ‘failure’, and forgetting the other parts of life where they are already successful…
  • ​Making up their own ‘rules’ for drinking, and fooling themselves that they’re in control - for a while…
  • Ruminating on the past, leading to guilt and shame… Instead of seizing the opportunity for a great today, and a better tomorrow…
All of this requires time and energy.

The problem is, over-focusing on alcohol keeps it top of mind all the time and prevents people from putting their energy into the more exciting and important parts of life that will make drinking irrelevant and ‘yesterday’s news’.

And this is the same exact thing that happened to me before I figured out the Take Control program.

The solution?

We’ve Done Away With Outdated Judgements - Instead We Our Focus On Empowerment And Control

That's right...

I said it, we are not interested in labeling anyone because of how much they drink or use drugs.

Our only focus is helping people Take Control of their decisions, habits, and ultimately their lives.

If you label someone as an ‘alcoholic’, you’re making an absolute statement about who and what they are… But that’s not how humans work.

Over the past 9 years I’ve seen people go from situations where they are drinking daily - and feeling miserable, overeating, underperforming, and clashing with loved ones because of it…

To totally transforming their lives, and making massive changes including: starting new businesses, moving countries, going on life-changing adventures, healing marriages and parent-child relationships…

Every time, it was the same person before and after - the transformation came when their behavior and habits changed.

Because people can and do change - especially when they have access to help from others.

So I’m not interested in labeling anyone, I’m only interested in helping them change the behaviors that no longer serve their life.

So here's the deal...

...I explain everything in Take Control, it's a 4-week course, with daily bite-size (2-5 minute) videos that show you everything you need to know.



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So Here's The Transformational Idea Behind Take Control

Right now, as you're reading this very page...

There's a lot of activity happening in the world of health and personal development.

And when it comes to alcohol… People are tired of the narrow outlook and rigid rules of ‘solutions’ that claim there’s only 1 way to change a drinking habit…

This has created a lot of people who know they want to drink less, but don’t like the idea of attending an in-person meeting and talking about their drinking habit publicly… Or labeling themselves as ‘addicted’, ‘in recovery’, ‘an alcoholic’, or ‘sober’

Now, most of these people who want to get in control of their drinking are looking for a new solution...

And as you may have guessed it - we have it.

And what's really cool is that it doesn’t involve turning your social life upside down all at once. 

Because the change is not going to come from controlling the external environment, or rearranging your whole life to avoid temptation from alcohol.

Instead, we help you take stock of what’s going on in your life, see which of your habits are no longer serving you, and create strategies to make the changes YOU want to.

True transformation comes from the inside out… And the whole purpose of Take Control is to help people make that transformation inside themselves, with just enough help and guidance to make it easier to stay on the path.

That's Right - People REALLY Want Inner Control Over Their Drinking Habit… Instead Of Changing Their Whole Lifestyle To Avoid Alcohol ‘Triggers’

And that's where Take Control comes in...

It does this beautifully in just 3 simple steps...
And that’s the difference here. 

When you Take Control and take a break from drinking using this program, the results are amplified and sustainable.

As opposed to the sometimes cult-like atmosphere of meetings, sponsors, ‘struggles’, ‘battles’, and living ‘one day at a time’.

Sorry, but I’m not going to live that way, and if you’ve got goals and dreams then neither should you.

I’m not saying AA 12-step programs are bad.

What I’m saying is if your goal is to be in control of drinking and practice moderation… Then making ‘not drinking’ the big focus of your life might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting what you want.

There’s a lot more to life… A lot to do… And if you’re anything like me, the demands of raising a family and running a business don’t leave much free time.

Plus… The best way to ‘put alcohol in its place’ is to focus your time and energy on the most important people and big goals in your life…

So take Control just requires 15-20 minutes a day to watch a very short video and do some simple writing exercises or short meditations.

And that's why this is different.

And You Know What? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise

You get control of your life, free yourself from a drinking habit, and focus your energies on the things that matter most to you.
And once you start using this Take Control program...

Feeling compelled to drink alcohol when you don’t really want to… Isn’t something you ever need to worry about again - or even think about.

It’s something that naturally fades away as life starts to become incredibly more enjoyable and exciting without alcohol… 

To where people wake up one day, and realize they haven’t had a craving in months…

And the thought of ordering what used to be their ‘favorite drink’, now makes them feel a bit ‘ugh’ instead…

Because their new lifestyle has filled them up with the inner energy and fulfillment they were missing before.

Here’s what I want you to do now: get your calendar right now - and mark the date 4 weeks from today.

Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in Take Control… 

That’s when you’ll start seeing your first massive shifts in your attitude towards alcohol - and go from missing it, to feeling much better without it.

That’s how simple this is. 

I know how ridiculous that sounds…

And Just A Few Years Ago, I’d Think You’re Crazy If You Even Believed This Existed…

…But, today I know better.


I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to quit alcohol…

I promise you this…

Anyone can Take Control, and stop drinking alcohol with the right program (more on this below)..

Ultimately I want you to know one thing..



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If I Can Do This, So Can You

Because hundreds of others are doing it already inside the Control Your Drinking communities on Facebook...

It took me 2 years to figure this out, and another 7 years to perfect it.

So it's safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.

You just need to get access to this course and most important of all - implement it.

That’s it…

Here’s The Exact 3 Step System Revealed In Take Control That Lets You Be Alcohol Free Whenever You Want, For As Long As You Want

  • Step 1 - Understand Triggers, Replace Bad Habits With Healthy Ones
  • Step 2 - Mindfulness, Meditation, Journaling, Self-Care
  • Step 3 - Set Goals, Celebrate Wins, Socialize, Love Life Again
…So you can forget about alcohol 98% of the time… And even enjoy it in moderation if you want.

Those are the 3 steps to Take Control of your drinking permanently.

All of this is revealed in the 4-week Take Control video course, with step-by-step detail.

Making it a simple, logical approach to taking a break from drinking for the person that seeks control, clarity, and peace of mind.

And that's not all, because...

We’ll also show you how to be more productive, have more energy, enjoy a full social life while alcohol-free, and even lose a few pounds.

If living a life where you’re in total control and alcohol has ZERO influence is what you want, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.

Plus I'm Going To Give You The Take Control WorkBook As A Free Bonus

A 32-page workbook you can use on your phone or print out to create a written exploration of your relationship with alcohol… 

Together with goal-setting and visualization assignments to help you create new healthier habits.

This is the exact same workbook I created to explore my relationship with alcohol, get clear on my goals, and finally visualize my new, healthier habits.

And Before You get access to Take Control Video Course…I Want You To Know That There's No Catch

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them. 

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I'm literally giving you this entire course, for $3.00, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it and you’ll want to do more trainings or attend our events in the future.
But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long

The truth is...

I already sold Take Control for $47 and over 250 people got access to it at that price....

...Which was great, but then I realized hey - this is a video course it doesn't cost anything to sell other than a few dollars to advertise it.

By Lowering The Price To $3.00 It Allows Us To Impact More People And Help Them Get In Control Of Their Drinking Habits

I consider that a true win/win...

Also in most cases, we take a loss when selling the course at this price.

It costs just over $25.00 in advertising expenses to sell one course.

So why would I do that?

Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that anyone who has limited resources but still wants help with drinking can just buy the course for $3.00.

BUT we do have other offers, programs, and courses to give more personalized help for people who want that… So if that’s you, and you’re impressed with what we give you today, then maybe you'll want to do more with me in the future.

I'm betting that you'll enjoy the course so much, you'll email or message and ask to take additional classes or trainings from me. 

Pretty straightforward.

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.



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You're Also Getting The Control Audit Worksheet As A 2nd Free Bonus

Use this printable PDF worksheet to make an honest accounting of how much you’re REALLY drinking - the truth may surprise you

Knowledge is power, and it’s essential to face up to the truth now if you want to create positive lasting change.

And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the course.

Plus I’m also including these other awesome bonuses when you buy the Take Control course today:

Free Bonus # 3 - Vision of Control

A fast and effective MP3 Audio track to get you ‘in the zone’. My voice will guide you to create a mental image of where you are with your drinking, where you want to be, and the steps you’ll take to get there.

Free Bonus # 4 - Controlled Reflection

A printable daily 2-minute decompression journal to write down quick thoughts, and ‘let go’ by unloading whatever is in your mind onto the page. Use it first thing when you wake up, or last thing before you go to sleep.

Free Bonus # 5 - Control Tracker

A printable PDF calendar to record Alcohol-Free streaks where you can see them - on your bathroom mirror or fridge - so you take pride in your progress and remind yourself daily of how far you’ve come.

Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it's …

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything, I like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this purchase.

And even though it’s only $3.00…

Like my dad used to say “Try it before you buy it”.

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Get access to the video course, watch it, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn…

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

We’ll refund you your $3.00 and let you keep the Take Control course free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good.

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything, I like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this purchase.

And even though it’s only $3.00…

Like my dad used to say “Try it before you buy it”.

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

get access to the video course, watch it, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

We’ll refund you your $3.00 and let you keep the Take Control course free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good.
And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...
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I’ll talk to you in our private FB Group that you’ll get instant access to as soon as you get access to your copy of Take Control.

Until then, to your success,
Ruari Fairbairns
P.S. Remember, Take Control comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Get access to it, watch it, implement it, get results. 

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $3.00.
Here's What You'll Discover In The Take Control Course
  • Personalised techniques to Take Control of your drinking (do it your way.)
  • How to have MORE fun at social events without alcohol than you would if you were drinking
  • Wake up on a Sunday morning feeling fresh, hangover free and ready to enjoy your day
“I knew deep down that if I continued to drink nothing was going to improve, all I was doing was masking the pain I felt in my heart.
Now I’m no longer stuck, I am whizzing along and enjoying the ride.”
- Dean C.
  Decide what level of moderation is right for you and easily stick to it (We’re not the fun police, so you don’t have to give up drinking forever - it’s totally your choice)
  Never reach for a drink when you’re stressed or going to a social event… And never need alcohol as a crutch again
“You go to those websites where you can type in how much you drink, and they always say you’re an alcoholic. You think, ‘I’m not—I can do without; I’m fine! This is just normal’. 

But it’s not the real normal, and when you go alcohol-free you start to see what the real normal is, and what it does to you.

I had an epiphany: I should really live the life I want to live. To just be free. Make my own choices. It’s not ‘now or never’—even if you’re 40 or even ten years older, you can still do it. ”
- Annie.
“What happened in those first 30-days changed the rest of my life. 

The daily emails and videos led me down the path of recognising why I used alcohol, and how I could take small steps to change that relationship.

They also prepared me to face the outside world with this challenge and face questions, social situations and unsupportive people head on. 

I journaled through the email and video prompts and learned so much about myself.”
- Sarah P.



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  • Understand the 4 main triggers causing you to drink (and how to easily diffuse them.)
  • How to track your progress and stay motivated on your alcohol-free journey
  • Willpower doesn’t work. Contrary to popular belief, it’s the sole reason why so many people relapse. (We’re going to show you something better and easier to implement without temptations)
  • How to rewire your brain and influence your attitude toward alcohol so you’re NEVER enslaved to drink again
  • Why we don’t want you to think negatively about alcohol (there’s a better attitude to have towards it.)
  • How to deal with ANY emotional event without alcohol - a bad day at work, grieving, a breakup, an embarrassing moment, someone saying something to you etc.
  • A unique 4 second breathing technique you can use subtly, anywhere and at any time, to cope with the urge to drink
  • How to deal with the “Hey, fancy meeting up for a beer tonight?” question without losing face or being teased by your friends for not drinking.
  • Go on holiday, to a wedding or any other social event, be alcohol free and still have people love you, think you’re fun and you’re great to be around.
“I needed to change my relationship with booze and take back control. 

The impacts on my mental health were clear – stress, anxiety, imposter syndrome, the fog, low confidence all a vicious cycle.

Personally, I needed a break, and I was reaching a milestone birthday too.

I still get urges sometimes; but my reasons for drinking alcohol have changed and I’ve broken the back of the habit. I don’t see or need alcohol as a coping mechanism and why would I want to go back to the way it was?

Overall, it’s the clarity not drinking brings to help you make better decisions and invest more time in yourself – and therefore others benefit too. Nothing is stopping me from achieving more.”
 - Ben H
“ I was exhausted by the constant struggle of trying to make alcohol ‘work’.

I knew it was getting in the way of living my life to the fullest… But I was shocked when I realised how much drinking had been impacting my mental health & causing a lot of my day to day anxiety.

Prioritising my wellness through movement, eating well & taking care of my mental health has become second nature now, rather than my wellness being an afterthought or thinking that alcohol was the answer to every difficult emotion.”
- Madeline G.


We try to give away our information and introductory courses for ‘almost free’... So anyone who needs to Take Control of a drinking habit can do it at a low price.

If people then want personalized help with implementing the information and knowledge in our course, we can give that at an affordable price.
“I knew I had to make a change if I wanted to keep my family intact and save myself… 

Learning exactly why alcohol affects my body the way it does, and finding tools to replace the habit has been vital in keeping me away from drinking”
- Rikki L.
“I was incredibly surprised at how seriously I took it right away. The daily videos and guided journaling not only motivated me, but led me to reframe how I looked at my drinking. The promotion of mindfulness, personal wellbeing, and self-care really resonated with me. 

I didn’t feel judged or pressured. I wasn’t forced to concede that I had a drinking problem right away, and that took away a big fear of mine. I was allowed to come to realisations on my own.”
- Rachel W.



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Take Control Course

4 Weeks of super-short bite-size lessons in habit-formation, mindfulness, and the behavioural science insights we’ll use to put alcohol in its place.

Take Control WorkBook

Digital PDF Download

Guided mindset exercises, and prompts for written exploration of your relationship with alcohol, together with goal-setting assignments to help you create new healthier habits.

Control Audit

Digital PDF Download

Use this worksheet to make an honest accounting of how much you’re REALLY drinking - the truth may surprise you.

Vision of Control

Guided meditation audio track to create a mental image of where you are with your drinking, where you want to be, and the steps you’ll take to get there.

Controlled Thinking

Mobile Web App

A daily 2-minute journal to write down quick thoughts, and ‘let go’ by unloading whatever is on your mind. Use it first thing when you wake up, or last thing before you go to sleep.

Control Tracker

Digital PDF Download

PDF printable calendar to print and record Alcohol-Free streaks where you can see them - on your bathroom mirror or fridge
TOTAL VALUE: $117.00
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“In September 2020 I was dealing with mental issues and alcohol was not helping me… My approach to problems now is different. I have learned to accept what can’t be changed, and have found mental peace.”
- Eduardo B.
Who is this for?
Take Control is for entrepreneurs, business owners and top-performing professionals who know alcohol is holding them back, and want to put alcohol in its place, so they can focus on achieving goals and living a great life.
What is The Habit Loop?
All habits, good or bad, comprise three stages: Cue, Action, and Reward. The cue is the trigger or prompt, the action is what you instinctively do, and the reward is the pay-off or benefit you get that closes the loop.

Although habits are almost impossible to erase from your brain once created, the wonderful thing is that you can write over a bad habit by replacing the action with something healthier.
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. Nothing was held back while creating the Take Control course but for the people that want personalized help we do offer opportunities to ‘upgrade’ your order after purchasing. We also have our group of private clients (by application only) if you want intense coaching, multi-disciplinary health interventions, and daily accountability for an extended period of 8 weeks.
Is there an audio program or book available?
Take Control is delivered as a video course in a mobile web app - you can watch the videos on your phone or laptop… Or just listen on headphones if that’s what you prefer. A print book may be published at a later time.
How is this different from AA or 12-Step programs?
Take Control is not about abstinence and avoidance of triggers. It’s about over-writing habits that no longer serve you with new and healthier habits. We do not tell you not to drink in moderation (that is your choice), we simply give you the tools and tactics to let you choose not to drink and stick to the choice you make.
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
You are getting a copy of the Take Control course, available instantly as a web application. You are getting 5 unique bonuses designed to help you take action and implement the methods shared in the course.
Do you have any success stories?
Yes. This didn’t just work for me. We encourage you to watch the videos and read the testimonials on this page.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it’s not for you. We even let you keep access to the course.
“I realised something needed to change between me and wine. For a while, one of us had to go.  

Since then I’ve bought a house, ran the London Marathon, lost 23lbs, started studying for a new Degree, and launched the biggest product of my career!

My energy and drive have returned.”
- Nikki P.
“I was drinking more each time I did drink so 4 beers became 8 or 10. Then a liver function test at my annual checkup came back abnormal and the doctor said it was due to alcohol consumption…

Since taking an alcohol-free break in 2020 - and not going back - I am no longer on Cholesterol or blood pressure tablets and have lost over 45 pounds. 

I have started studying again, increasing my professional qualifications, and developing my business.”
- Stephen F.


We try to give away our information and introductory courses for ‘almost free’... So anyone who needs to Take Control of a drinking habit can do it at a low price.

If people then want personalized help with implementing the information and knowledge in our course, we can give that at an affordable price.



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Here's What You'll Discover In The Take Control Course
  • How to have a drink and easily stop when you want, while still being in full control… And without being peer-pressured, judged, or interrogated by your friends.
  • Create the perfect version of yourself - caring, compassionate, confident, charismatic, driven, motivated, productive - all WITHOUT alcohol.
  • The two types of accountability partners you need to succeed - and how to choose them
  • How to get your family, friends, spouse/partner to whole-heartedly buy in and support your decision to stop drinking (without feeling judged or judge-y for your choices)
  • How to run a simple test to prove to yourself you can stop drinking
  • “Wait, are you not drinking?” - how to easily and firmly respond to this question… Plus! How to “bribe” your drinking friends to buy in to your alcohol-free night out
  • Why you don’t have to stop hanging around your drinking friends… The 6 step action plan to going out, not drinking and dealing with ‘beer pressure’
  • How to celebrate good news without a drink (and have an even better celebration.)
  • Slip ups happen - don’t worry about it. We show you exactly how to deal with them and get back on track
  • Discover the top 14 alcohol-free and low-alcohol beers, lagers and pilsners
  • Discover how to make your own mocktails… And perfect them with the little-known ingredient that perfectly replicates the taste and warmth of any spirit
  • The ‘Mind, Body and Soul’ approach that helps you undo your ‘attachment’ to alcohol, even if you’ve been drinking for decades
“Alcohol was causing blockages in my life. I’d become sick and tired of using it as a crutch for when I felt low, or angry.

Now everything is different. I care about my health, what I eat, what I drink, walking when I don’t need to drive, cycling when I can. 

My work has improved, I don’t feel anxious, I don’t feel depressed, I read more, I’m more positive. 

Most importantly, my relationship with my children is the best it’s ever been. 

Pretty much my entire life is changing, and quicker than I thought it would.

I’ve saved over £17,000 and I’m now doing things for me, that make me feel better.”
- James H.
“I expected it to be like an online version of Alcoholics Anonymous – telling myself I am an addict and in need of external help.

It was actually more like coaching, helping me to change how I think about myself, rather than focussing on my addiction.

I now see Alcohol as something that is subtractive rather than additive to the life I want to lead. The desire to drink is now quickly filtered through the lens of “what do I want my tomorrow to look like?”
- Simon L.



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 Now Available For Instant Access
  • The 7 pillars of self-care that will allow to live a wholesome and fulfilling alcohol-free life… And the 5 easy-to-implement habits that are essential for your future health
  • Say goodbye to the black out drunk nights, hangovers, headaches, depression, and anxiety you get when you wake up after going out... So your sleep improves and you wake up feeling fresh and full of energy
  • Enjoy activity filled, hangover-free weekends with your family and friends and nurture the most important relationships in your life
  • Relax and destress without alcohol even after a tough day at work or a stressful event
  • The 4 step checklist of ‘habit-hacking ideas’ that lets you replace your unhealthy alcohol habits with new healthy ones



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 Now Available For Instant Access
"When I drank I was sad, uninspired, bored, and felt like I had no purpose. I took a break from alcohol with my then husband. He gave up after 3 days, but I kept going… And going. 

In the end I changed my whole life and moved to Hawaii. Now I wake up and do beach yoga, surf, hike, and love life each and every day!”
- Lisa J.
“My self care routine shot through the roof, my skin is much better condition, I sleep like the dead and I lost over 42 pounds. 

The key factor for me in this process of self investment was to get busy and do all the things that alcohol was preventing me from doing.”
- Paul F.
“I can say right now that I don’t plan on drinking. It’s just not on my radar like it was before. How amazing is that? I went from obsessively thinking about it all day long, to the opposite. There is so much more time to put my thoughts to more valuable and rich use. I’m so grateful.”
- Kristin Dolezal


We try to give away our information and introductory courses for ‘almost free’... So anyone who needs to Take Control of a drinking habit can do it at a low price.

If people then want personalized help with implementing the information and knowledge in our course, we can give that at an affordable price.

Take Control Course

4 Weeks of super-short bite-size lessons in mindfulness and habit-formation to help you put alcohol in its place

Take Control WorkBook

Digital PDF Download

Guided exercises for written exploration of your relationship with alcohol, together with goal-setting assignments to help create new healthier habits.

Control Audit

Digital PDF Download

Use this worksheet to make an honest accounting of how much you’re REALLY drinking - the truth may surprise you.

Vision of Control

Guided meditation audio track to create a mental image of control over alcohol, and the steps you’ll take to get there.

Controlled Reflection 

Mobile Web App

A daily 2-minute journal to write down quick thoughts, and ‘let go’ by unloading whatever is on your mind.

Control Tracker

Digital PDF Download

PDF printable calendar to record Alcohol-Free streaks where you can see them - on your bathroom mirror or fridge
TOTAL VALUE: $117.00
Yours Today For Only $3.00
Save $117.00 in this limited special offer
(Get It Instantly)
“Once we were out of lockdown and life was showing signs of returning to normal, I had to face the ugly truth that I was drinking to the point of embarrassment… And I hated that alcohol had control of me and not the other way around.

The daily emails and videos were a huge help in seeing the bigger picture of what I was doing to myself, on so many levels. I wasn’t living, I was existing.

The greatest benefit, by far, has been how I now feel about myself.

I feel empowered. I like myself, and feel I deserve a life *without* alcohol! I used to have cravings for wine. Now I have a craving for fulfilment, for joy, for health and well-being.”
- Trisha F.

Here's Everything You're Getting 
For Only $3.00 Today

Get instant access

Take Control Course

4 Weeks of super-short bite-size lessons in habit-formation, mindfulness, and the behavioural science insights we’ll use to put alcohol in its place.
Included With Your Order

Take Control WorkBook

Digital PDF Download

Guided mindset exercises, and prompts for written exploration of your relationship with alcohol, together with goal-setting assignments to help you create new healthier habits.
Included With Your Order

Control Audit

Digital PDF Download

Use this worksheet to make an honest accounting of how much you’re REALLY drinking - the truth may surprise you.
Included With Your Order

Vision of Control

Guided meditation audio track to create a mental image of where you are with your drinking, where you want to be, and the steps you’ll take to get there.
Included With Your Order

Controlled Reflection

Mobile Web App

A daily 2-minute journal to write down quick thoughts, and ‘let go’ by unloading whatever is on your mind. Use it first thing when you wake up, or last thing before you go to sleep.
Included With Your Order

Control Tracker

Digital PDF Download

PDF printable calendar to print and record Alcohol-Free streaks where you can see them - on your bathroom mirror or fridge
Access the video course directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.
Only $47 $3.00 Today
(Save $44.00 today) Get The Take Control Course And 5 Bonuses For Just $3.00! 
"We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish."
Tony Robbins
DISCLAIMER: This is not an endorsement from Tony Robbins

Here's A Sneak Peek Of What's Inside The Course

$117 Of Actionable Value!

(All Yours For Only $3 When You Get The Take Control Video Couse)

Take Control Course

Take Control Course

4 Weeks of super-short bite-size lessons in habit-formation, mindfulness, and the behavioural science insights we’ll use to put alcohol in its place.

Bonus #1

Take Control WorkBook

Digital PDF Download

Guided mindset exercises, and prompts for written exploration of your relationship with alcohol, together with goal-setting assignments to help you create new healthier habits.

Bonus #2

Control Audit

Digital PDF Download

Use this worksheet to make an honest accounting of how much you’re REALLY drinking - the truth may surprise you.

Bonus #3

Vision of Control

Guided meditation audio track to create a mental image of where you are with your drinking, where you want to be, and the steps you’ll take to get there.

Bonus #4

Controlled Reflection

Mobile Web App

A daily 2-minute journal to write down quick thoughts, and ‘let go’ by unloading whatever is on your mind. Use it first thing when you wake up, or last thing before you go to sleep.

Bonus #5

Control Tracker

Digital PDF Download

PDF printable calendar to print and record Alcohol-Free streaks where you can see them - on your bathroom mirror or fridge

 Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?
Take Control is for entrepreneurs, business owners and top-performing professionals who know alcohol is holding them back, and want to put alcohol in its place, so they can focus on achieving goals and living a great life.
What is The Habit Loop?
All habits, good or bad, comprise three stages: Cue, Action, and Reward. The cue is the trigger or prompt, the action is what you instinctively do, and the reward is the pay-off or benefit you get that closes the loop.

Although habits are almost impossible to erase from your brain once created, the wonderful thing is that you can write over a bad habit by replacing the action with something healthier.
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. Nothing was held back while creating the Take Control course but for the people that want personalized help we do offer opportunities to ‘upgrade’ your order after purchasing. We also have our group of private clients (by application only) if you want intense coaching, multi-disciplinary health interventions, and daily accountability for an extended period of 8 weeks.
Is there an audio program or book available?
Take Control is delivered as a video course in a mobile web app - you can watch the videos on your phone or laptop… Or just listen on headphones if that’s what you prefer. A print book may be published at a later time.
How is this different from AA or 12-Step programs?
Take Control is not about abstinence and avoidance of triggers. It’s about over-writing habits that no longer serve you with new and healthier habits. We do not tell you not to drink in moderation (that is your choice), we simply give you the tools and tactics to let you choose not to drink and stick to the choice you make.
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
You are getting a copy of the Take Control course, available instantly as a web application. You are getting 5 unique bonuses designed to help you take action and implement the methods shared in the course.
Do you have any success stories?
Yes. This didn’t just work for me. We encourage you to watch the videos and read the testimonials on this page.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it’s not for you. We even let you keep access to the course.
“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
DISCLAIMER: This is not an endorsement from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Order Now

Order the course
and all the
bonuses for just
$3.00 today.


About Take Control

We help people Take Control of their relationship with alcohol, once and for all.
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or cure clinically diagnosed addiction with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future outcomes, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Use caution and always consult your physician before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.



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List Price $47
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